Keep your menstrual cups squeaky clean in between uses with feminine care brand Intimina's Intimate Accessory Cleaner, a body-safe sanitiser form...
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Keep your menstrual cups squeaky clean in between uses with feminine care brand Intimina's Intimate Accessory Cleaner, a body-safe sanitiser form...
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6,95 €*Tone up and strengthen your pelvic floor with Intimina Laselle™, a spherical vaginal weight designed to give your internal muscles a workout using the...
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8,45 €*Get behind the menstrual cup revolution with Intimina’s Lily Cup One. Helping to reduce the carbon footprint of your period products, the re-useable c...
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14,95 €*Feel secure and reassured with the Intimina Lily Cup B. Perfect for people looking to reduce their impact on the planet, as the menstrual cup eliminat...
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14,95 €*The perfect introductory product for those looking to switch to a menstrual cup, Intimina’s Lily Cup One is designed to be beginner friendly. Reusabl...
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11,95 €*Tone up and strengthen your pelvic floor with Intimina Laselle™, a spherical vaginal weight designed to give your internal muscles a workout using the...
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8,45 €*Tone up and strengthen your pelvic floor with Intimina Laselle™, a spherical vaginal weight designed to give your internal muscles a workout using the...
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8,45 €*The Intimina Lily Cup Compact is the world’s first collapsible menstrual cup. The eco-friendly, reusable period solution offers up to 8 hours of hassl...
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14,95 €*Die Intimina Laselle Kegel Routine ist ein Trio von Vaginalgewichten, die dir helfen, deinen Beckenboden zu stärken. Jedes Gerät verfügt über ein klei...
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17,45 €*The Intimina Lily Cup Compact is the world’s first collapsible menstrual cup. The eco-friendly, reusable period solution offers up to 8 hours of hassl...
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14,95 €*